Our Top IAM Blog Posts for Education in 2017


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Last week, we released our top five most popular Enterprise IAM Blogs from 2017. This week, we want to take a look back at some of our favorite higher education and K12 education-related content. From ransomware, to managing transient users, to student data privacy, we’ve covered a wide range of key topics in the industry.

You can check out our top five education blogs from 2017 below!

ransomware a top security threat for higher ed blog.jpg1) Ransomware: A Top Security Threat for Higher Education

2016 was the year of the hacker. From Russian hackers targeting US elections to the jaw-dropping compromise of more than 1 million Yahoo! user accounts and the DDoS attack that "broke the Internet," it seems like hacks and data breaches were in the news every day. Russian hackers aside, ransomware was the cybersecurity topic that...READ MORE

How modern IAM solutions simplify preferred-name changes.jpg2) How Modern IAM Solutions Simplify Preferred-Name Changes

College and university IT teams are struggling with technical limitations that make it difficult to comply with evolving preferred-name policies—at least in a timely or automated manner—across a more complex digital environment. While it may seem like a student name change is a relatively easy task for an IT department, at the most recent...READ MORE 

Why most IDM software can't handle transient users at scale blog.jpg3) Why Most Identity Management Software Can’t Handle Transient Users at Scale

While every business faces some level of transience in its operations—namely employee or customer churn—community colleges, by the nature of their business, face the issue on a massive scale. For example, At Lone Star College, the nation’s third-largest higher-education system, up to 40 percent of the schools’ 100,000 students are transient users...READ MORE

Protecting student data privacy blog.jpg4) How RapidIdentity Protects Student Data & the EFF’s “Spying on Students” Report

Within every market—whether it be government, business, healthcare or education—it’s crucial that identity and access management (IAM) solutions are designed and implemented with close adherence to the latest government, regulatory, and best practice security frameworks and laws, in order to help organizations meet their compliance goals...READ MORE

Can investing in IAM save your institution money5) Can Investing in IAM Save My Institution Money?

While the country as a whole has had more than seven years of recovery time since the Great Recession, many government agencies and institutions still find themselves struggling to fully mend. Across the U.S., many are still working to do more with less—a reality that is particularly true in public colleges and universities. States are spending an average of 17 percent less on public higher education than they did...READ MORE

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