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Clayton County Public Schools Spotlight: Securing Access District-Wide

As the fifth-largest school system in Georgia, Clayton County Public Schools (CCPS) has a history of delivering quality education to a diversity of students.

When Chief Technology Officer Rod Smith stepped into his role nine years ago, there were no online systems for students to log in and access resources. Creating student accounts would open up greater access to learning materials and class information—not to mention streamline communications for faculty, parents, and administrators.

With 54,000 students and external users requiring accounts, this digital transformation was a massive undertaking. Smith’s team didn’t have the bandwidth or resources to manually deploy and manage the entire system; they needed an automated solution with professional support.

"We haven’t found a fastball we could throw hard enough that Identity Automation was not able to hit." -Rod Smith, M.Ed Chief Technology Officer, Clayton County Public Schools

After learning about Chesterfield County Public Schools’ success in getting 58,000 users securely online with RapidIdentity, the digital identity platform for education, it was clear that the platform was the optimal solution for Clayton County as well.

To support the student learning experience, the Clayton County district began utilizing:

RapidIdentity’s automation helped Clayton’s IT department get up to speed quickly—they’ve been using the identity and access management platform since 2013 to support its vast user base, adding new features as different needs evolve.

To learn more about how RapidIdentity provided Clayton County Public Schools secure access district-wide to support digital learning and communications throughout their ecosystem, read our full customer spotlight here.