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Case Study: Allen ISD

Industry: K-12 Solutions: RapidIdentity Lifecycle Management, Authentication, ShieldID, PhishID Outcome: With RapidIdentity, Allen ISD experienced faster provisioning for new users, improved password management, robust risk mitigation, superior IT...

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Next-Generation Identity and Access Management: Empowering Your State's Education System with a Universal Identity Fabric
Next-Generation Identity and Access Management: Empowering Your State's Education System with a Universal Identity Fabric

In the realm of education, where data drives innovation in student outcomes, security is paramount.

White House Warns of Imminent Cyber-Risk: Tech Giants Immediately Confirm Breaches
White House Warns of Imminent Cyber-Risk: Tech Giants Immediately Confirm Breaches

On Monday (3/21/22), the White House released a statement by President Biden on our Nation’s Cybersecurity warning that “based on evolving intelligence” U.S. companies and organizations need to urgently harden their cybersecurity defenses against potentially imminent cyberattacks.

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