Identity and access management (IAM) is a complex discipline that encompasses several distinct tenet...
Phishing attacks in K-12 are getting more sophisticated and more frequent. The traditional strategie...
As phishing attacks rise, safeguarding your school district is more important than ever. K12 Securit...
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) phishing campaigns targeting teachers, staff, and executive admini...
Are you ready to tackle ransomware head-on? Ransomware is running through education like a raging wi...
Join the K12 Security Information eXchange (K12 SIX) and Identity Automation for an informational we...
Education is a frequent target for ransomware attacks, resulting in skyrocketing cybersecurity insur...
[July 18, 2024] – Identity Automation, a leading cybersecurity company dedicated to the education in...
Industry: Pre-K-12 Solutions: Products owned: RapidIdentity Cloud Lifecycle Management, Authenticati...
Industry: K-12 Solutions: Lifecycle, Authentication Piloting: RapidIdentity
A white paper released by PIXM highlights an alarming trend in cyberattacks targeting school distric...
Let's Connect
Ready to simplify your identity and access management with our secure solutions? Get in touch with the Identity Automation team today.